Z is for Zoo

There isn't a zoo in Springhill, or in Rossendale for that matter, with the nearest zoo being in Blackpool about 50 miles away. At first sight therefore the provisions of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981 don't apply to the area. Similarly I am not aware of any birds of prey kept in captivity so the provisions of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as they apply to birds of prey are not relevant either. Similarly the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 which requires the licensing and inspection of such animals to be held in captivity.

Yet I'm not so sure. Like many moorland areas there are persistent rumours of a panther or other large cat roaming on the hills. Nobody has actually seen it, everyone knows somebody who knows somebody who has seen it. Meanwhile the lambs seem to be born and survive to market every year. But who knows, perhaps an animal subject to the terms of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act wasn't held as securely as was needed?

Rather randomly, under the Grey Squirrels (Prohibition of Importation and Keeping ) Order 1937 a license is required for grey squirrels to be kept in captivity. Why anyone would await to is another question. The 'prohibition of importation' section obviously didn't work…

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