Nature Blog Network

2013 BTO garden birdwatch results

The results of the 2013 BTO garden birdwatch are available here and it is interesting to compare their findings with ours.

Where we are in common:
Increased numbes of blackbirds

Where we buck the trend:
Increased numbers of siskins and other seed feeders
Increased numbers of wood pigeons. Whilst we regularly have 2 and occasionally 4 in the garden, these numbers have not increased
Increased numbers of goldfinches. These have gone up in 2014.
Increased numbers of blackcaps. Apparently seen in gardens in unprecedented numbers, we didn’t record a single one.

Where we buck the trend:
Low numbers of chaffinch, great tit and blue tit reflecting poor breeding season. Our numbers were about average

Where we are in common:
Low numbers of garden birds in general
Low numbers of fieldfare and redwing

Despite there being large numbers of blackbirds in the first quarter of 2013, they were only reported in 97% of gardens for which reports were submitted. So somewhere there is a garden which doesn’t get blackbirds?

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