Nature Blog Network

Lane/field trees

The various ecology reports also resulted in a number of tree inventories of the lane and field. Collating these together we seem to have:

Tree schedule 800

Blue trees are category B and grey ones category C. There are no category A (good) or U (unsuitable for retention) trees on the lane. The yellow circles indicate root protection areas.

So what are they then?
T1 - semi-mature Elm
T2 - young Ash
T3 - semi-mature Elder
T4 - early mature Ash
T5 - early mature Ash
T6 - semi-mature Ash
T7 - early mature Sycamore
T8 - mature Sycamore
T9 - mature Sycamore
G10 - young to semi-mature sycamore and elm
T11 - early mature Elm
T12 - marly mature Ash
T13 - semi-mature Ash
T14 - early mature Elm
T15 - marly mature Common Lime
T16 - semi-mature Ash
T17 - semi-mature Ash
T18 - semi-mature Ash
T19 - semi-mature Ash
G20 - semi-mature to early mature Ash and Sycamore
T21 - semi-mature Ash
T22 - semi-mature Ash
T 23 - semi-mature Ash
T24 - semi-mature Ash
G25 - young Ash
T26 - semi-mature Goat Willow
T27 - semi-mature Goat Willow
T28 - semi-mature Fir
T29 - semi-mature Ash

The trees currently marked for felling if the bungalow goes ahead are:
G10 - young to semi-mature sycamore and elm
T11 -early mature Elm
T16 - semi-mature Ash
T21 - semi-mature Ash
T22 - semi-mature Ash
T23 - semi-mature Ash
T24 -semi-mature Ash
T28 -semi-mature Fir
T29 - semi-mature Ash

We will see.

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