Rossendale Free Press 21 September 1889

STRAYED away from Newchurch, three Welsh SHEEP - Whoever will bring same to John Lord, butcher, Newchurch will be rewarded.

To Investors: SHARES FOR SALE in a Limited Liability Company, likely rise to high premiums and dividends. Address: "Clifford" Rossendale Free Press.

WANTED, a bright, well educated and intelligent Youth to learn the printing business. None other need apply. Personal application may be made at the Free Press office, Rawtenstall, on Tuesday afternoon between three and four o'clock.

How long are the manufacturers of this district dob allowed to systematically violate the smoke nuisance Act, and pollute with impunity the river Irwell? We do not put it in the shape for a riddle or conundrum, though we must confess that it partakes very much of that character. Many a time and oft have we asked ourself this question, as we have looked down into the sluggish, odoriferous Irwell and then looked up at the dreary volumes of black smoke which day-in and day-out curl from the tops of Rossendale's forest of mill chimneys, but the question has always gone unanswered - we have just as oft had to confess that the Board were tender-footed, and that in all probability the offence would go unpunished until the people themselves took up the question and forced it to an issue.

PREFERMENT OF A LOCAL ORGANIST - Mr J E W Lord has this week resigned the post of organist at St Mary's Church, in consequence of his having received an appointment as organist of the Priory Church, Bridlington, to which church, as our readers will remember, the Rev J Given was recently appointed curate. The post to which Mr Lord has been appointed is worth £70 a year, but the organ is a splendid one, and may be congratulated upon his success. In his departure from the valley, Rossendale loses a sound and gifted musician. We understand that Mr Charles H Hunt, of Rawtenstall, has been appointed his successor at St Mary's.

CONTRACTORS' DINNER - On Tuesday evening the contractors for the work of erecting the Victoria buildings in Bank-street, together with a few guests, had a dinner at the Rams' Head Inn, in celebration of completion of the work. Mr and Mrs Brown prepared a first-class repast, which was served in capital style, and gave general satisfaction.. Mr Thomas Collinge, Haslingden, presided over the after proceedings. The usual loyal, patriotic and complimentary toasts were drunk, and the rest of the evening was very pleasantly passed in songs, recitations &c, by various members of the company.

A Novel Excuse - William Waterworth, Bank-street, Rawtenstall, was summoned for having been drunk and disorderly. PS Grundy said that at 9-35 pm last Saturday defendant was drunk in Bank St near to the entrance to Alder Grande. He was behaving in a very obscene manner in the presence of a large crowd of people. Defendant denied having been disorderly. He said that he had stopped four children in the street and said he would give a penny to the one who could spell acknowledgement. (Laughter). That delayed him. (Renewed laughter). Mr Ashworth: Do you deny being drunk? - Defendant: U was somewhat inebriated, I admit. Fined 5s and costs, or seven days' hard labour.

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