Rossendale Free Press 7 Sept 1889

St Nicholas Church, Newchurch WANTED, 2 Tenor and 2 Alto Vocalists; voluntary choir, sound tuition in Church Music guaranteed. Apply to the Choirmaster, D L North, 27, Schofield Road, Rawtenstall.

Football in the Rossendale Valley commences in earnest to-day, and as each club has an interesting list of fixtures, and is more or less engaged in some important match every Saturday, we may look forward to a specially successful season.

SATURDAY BOOZING - On Monday at the Rawtenstall Police court, before Messers J Ruston and TH Whitehead, George Hanson, a weaver of Cloughfold, was fined 5s and costs, with the option of eight days' hard labour, for being drunk and causing a disturbance at cloughfold on Saturday night. PC Lawton proved the case.

SION BAPTIST CHAPEL - On Thursday evening a meeting was held in Sion Baptist Chapel, cloughfold, when a very interesting address on the work of the Irish Baptist Mission was delivered by Mr. Warner, secretary of the mission. The Rev W C Davies, pastor, presided and there was a good attendance.

SAD ACCIDENT TO A WEAVER - A distressing accident occurred early on Thursday morning at the Newchurch Company's mill, Cloughfold, to a girl named Polly Heap of Hareholme, aged about 1 years. She was weaving at her looms, when a shuttle flew out and hit her on the right eye, knocking it out. The poor girl was conveyed to Manchester by the 8-5 a.m. train from Cloughfold, as atet eRoyal eye and Ear hospital she received due treatment and attention.

CLOUGHFOLD WESLEYAN CHAPEL ANNIVERSARY - The anniversary sermons of the Wesleyan chapel at Cloughfold were preached on Sunday last by the Rev Henry Wm Shrewsbury, the new circuit minister. In the afternoon a service of song entitled "Which was the hero?" was tastefully given by the choir, Mr G H Lord, of Newchurch, reading the connections. The congregations were not so large as usual, and the collections only amounted to about £1, being £3 less than was realised last year.

Bacup 150-1, Rawtenstall 70 all out.

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